Low bids received for Mouse River Plan Phases 2 & 3
Minot, N.D. – The Souris River Joint Board (SRJB) opened bids today for the construction of Phases MI-2 and MI-3 of the Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Project. This phase of the project spans from the US Highway 83 Bypass to 3rd Avenue Southwest on the north bank of the Mouse River. It consists of approximately 9,000 linear feet of earthen levees, a roadway closure structure at 16th Street Southwest across the river from the water treatment plant, and a large stormwater pump station located near Perkett Elementary School.
The engineer’s estimate of the construction cost was $41.6 million.
Bids for the project were received from nine construction contractors for various aspects of the work. The apparent low bid was received from Wagner Construction for $35.7 million.
Over the next few weeks, the SRJB will be reviewing the bids received and conferring with state and local funding agencies, including the City of Minot. Funding for construction of the project has been secured through the State of North Dakota, which will provide funding for 65 percent of the construction cost. The balance of the construction cost will be covered through sales tax proceeds being collected by the City of Minot.
The SRJB anticipates awarding a contract for construction of these phases of the project prior to the end of this year.
For more information about the Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Project, visit www.mouseriverplan.com, or on Facebook at Mouse River Plan.